Yes, I know it is a little overwhelming when you visit the website for the first time. To read more of this post, or other posts, click on the ‘Read More ->’ link. There is a LOT of information here. I have tried to organize it into groupings, but if you have any suggestions to improve it, please reply here or use the Contact Us link –> Click Here For Link. You will see a number ‘Click Here’ links on the website. If you click your mouse on them, a new page will open up within this website or another website. When you are done reading that page, you can simply close it out and you will be returned to the original page.
Let’s start at the top banner of this page. You will see an ‘HLERG’ logo at the top left. At any time, you can click on it to start at the ‘home page’ again. This website is about Holiday Lake Estates in Goodrich, Polk County, Texas and the surrounding area. Next, to the right, you will see a couple of ‘icons‘. Click on the F one to visit our Facebook Group. Click on the RED arrow one to go to our YouTube page of area videos.
Right below that area, you will see a line of menu links. When you place your mouse over those with a \/ to the right, a lower menu will open up. If you click on any of these menu links, it will either take you to a ‘Category Page’ or a normal ‘Page’. A Category page is just a place-holder for posts excerpts within that category. These are little excerpts of posts, along with their title. Click on the Title, or the ‘Read More ->’ link below it, and you will see the entire post. If the menu link took you to a page, the entire content of that page will be displayed immediately. Right below that post/page, you will see some icons. You can ‘share a link’ to any of our pages/posts by clicking on the appropriate icon. If you like the info on the page, please consider clicking on the ‘thumbs up like’ icon.
Pages will not allow you to comment or reply, but posts will have a comment box at the bottom of them. You do not have to register to make a comment or reply to the posts, but you will need to input your name and an email address. We welcome your input and will do our best to answer any questions you ask. All comments go into a moderation queue to prevent spam. You will see your comment, and an answer (if needed), once the Administrator has okayed it.
On the right side of the website, you will see a column that has a ‘Search’ box at the top. Enter a word or phrase in that search box and then click on your ‘Enter’ key. A new page will open with a list of pages/posts that have that word or phrase in them. Right below that, is a Meta box. If you are a subscriber or author for this website, that will allow you to login/logout. If you use our RSS feeds for your feed reader or aggregator, that link is also there.
The next box below that is several recent excerpts from our Facebook Group Posts. You can view or join that group by –> Clicking Here. The next section is just a list of post categories, followed by a list of pages. All of them are accessible by using the menu links I already discussed.
NOTE: If you are looking for all of the posts/pages on the website, use the Menu Link for ‘Sitemap’ at the top right and if you are looking for a particular word or phrase, use ,the ‘Search’ box at the upper right,