Holiday Lake Estates Civic Club
Agenda 1/28/2017
- Call to order
- Invocation
- Roll Call
- Minutes
- Financials (Sally Creek Fund)
- Communication and Bills (tax bill, resident payments,)
- Residents & Visitors Comments and Petitions
- Report of Standing and Special Committees
- Social
- Pool
- Parks (building at LL park, decision on staying off dam)
- Aquatics
- Legal
- Elections (notice for candidates, who’s term ends)
- Special Restrictions Committee
- Unfinished business
- Insurance
- Deed Restrictions For Sections 2-5
- Late Fees & Time Payments
- By Law Updating
- Dam Repairs (cracks to be sealed, rip/rap spread)
- Golf Plans & Cost
- CPA audit (Aubreu)
- Management Certificate & Attorney
- New Business
- Web Page (State law)
- Adjournment
Next Regular Meeting February 25, 2017