Some properties in Holiday Lake Estates are completely or partially in a Flood Zone. In 2017-2018, I went through educational classes and developed the Emergency Action Plan for HLE. It was important for Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to have one developed and on file, after Harvey. The full effect of the Harvey flood changed things, as you can see from the subtle differences of the maps below. They called Harvey the 800 year flood and current base flood zones are set based on a 500 year flood.
The majority of my land is in the flood zone. The current base flood elevation (BFE) for us is 82.5 ft. I was told, after Harvey, this would be changed for all counties in TX, but so far, the County Mitigation plans have not been changed. If you are concerned, after looking at these maps, that you might be in a flood zone, you may want to get a base flood elevation survey, for insurance purposes. I have one for my property.
The top image, below, was taken from FEMA documents. The bottom is from our Emergency Action Plan. Click twice on either image to enlarge. FEMA also has a new service now. If you have a Polk county 911 address, you can enter your 911 address on it and it should take you to a map of your property and the surrounding area –> Click Here For Link