The Beginning Of Holiday Lake Estates

On a personal note, I found the history of the Gerlach family fascinating.  Generations of businessmen who started with nothing and were successful.  I have a document from the Polk County Clerk, that tells much about the very beginning of Holiday Lake Estates in Goodrich Texas.  You can find the original at Volume 94, Page 633 of the County Clerk’s office. This document is an affidavit sworn to by C. J. Gerlach Sr..  Mr. Gerlach stated that he was 77 years old on March 17, 1932 when he created this document.  He was attesting to the fact that he purchased several tracts of land, under the corporation of G.J. Gerlach & Bro., Inc.. The land was located on the Trinity River and was originally a part of the A. Viesca Seven League Grant (–> Augustin Viesca info click here) and the S. C. Hiroms League (–> click here for info) (–> More info).  These properties had been further subdivided into multiple tracts over the years and eventually became the Drew’s Landing River Farm which is where HLE now resides.  He also stated  that these properties were cultivated and used by him for  years, that he held the deed (title) paperwork for them, and that he had been paying the taxes on them every year.  Attesting to information on an Affidavit was a common practice in the early days of Polk County.  Spending time in the Polk County Clerk’s office, looking at older documents, was fascinating for me.

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